People Are Spilling On The Worst Case Of "Rich Kid Syndrome" That They Have Ever Seen, And Some Of These Might Make Your Blood Start Boiling
My eyes were rolling reading these.

The '90s Weren't All That: People Are Sharing The Things They Do Not Miss About The Decade
There are a lot of things to miss about the '90s, but these definitely aren't them.

My Mind Is Absolutely Blown From These 51 Photos That Are Making Me Look At These Pop Culture Moments And Famous People Differently
My brain wasn't ready to see the I Love Lucy set in color.

I Am Genuinely Curious To Know How Many Of These 68 LGBTQ+ Classic Movies You've Seen
From explicitly queer movies and documentaries to campy and cult classics, they're all here.

17 Life Hacks And Real-Life Cheat Codes That People Recommend Doing
"Being polite increases your odds of getting what you want."

Have You Ever Redecorated Your Home Or Done A Remodel And Then Really Regretted It?
There is no worse feeling than finally redecorating a room in your home, only to really hate it within a few weeks.

19 Moments And Things That Made People Over 40 Realize That They're Old
If you're over 30, then you're definitely going to relate to a lot of these.

30 Things That Were Very, Very Much Gay Awakenings For Millennials In The Late '90s And Early '00s
Thank you, Chris O'Donnell, for your important work in Batman & Robin.

45 Photos Of Very Nostalgic Things That Will Be Instantly Recognizable To Anyone Born Before 1960
If you remember the smell of popcorn when you walked into Sears, then be prepared to be transported back in time.

17 Things Commonly Portrayed In TV Shows And Movies That Really Are Not Common At All
Yeah, most twentysomethings don't live in large loft apartments in big cities.

Justin Timberlake Was Arrested, And The Reactions Are Kind Of Ruthless
"I like to imagine Justin Timberlake’s one phone call was to Jimmy Fallon." —@ecareyo

Unless You're Over 55, I Doubt You'll Be Able To Identify These 30 Famous People From The 1960s
Again, any boomer would be able to identify all of these people.

If You're Between 32–45, You'll Immediately Realize That These 37 Photos Have Been Living Rent-Free Deep In Your Mind For The Last Two Decades
Back when there was NO bigger flex than owning a TV with a built-in DVD and VCR combo.

These Are The Iconic And Big Gay Anthems From The Year You Were Born
Listen, the song you get isn't a choice, you were born with it.

People Are Remembering Wild And Newsworthy Events That Happened In 2001 But Were Forgotten Because Of 9/11
I actually forgot about some of these things.

People Are Opening Up About What Happened When They Realized They Were LGBTQ+ While In A Straight Marriage
"I have to continue to remind them that staying married out of duty is not a good reason to stay married, and also that I came out for them."

27 Pictures Of Things That Were In Your Parents' House In The '90s, And That You Probably Haven't Thought About In 20 Years
Sponge-painted walls still haunt my dreams.

22 Secrets That People Revealed That They Will Never Tell Their S.O., And Some Are Truly For Very Pure Reasons
Sometimes, harmless secrets are just for peace of mind.

Gen X'ers Are Sharing The Coolest Part About Being A Kid In The '70s
It was a time when you only had to be back home once it got dark.

These Are 30 Very Famous People From The 1970s, And You're Probably A Boomer If You Know Who They Are
Any boomer would be able to identify all of these people.