As Indians Face A COVID-19 Crisis, Facebook Temporarily Hid Posts With #ResignModi
On Wednesday, the world’s largest social network hid posts with the text #ResignModi for a few hours, before restoring them.

Facebook Stopped Employees From Reading An Internal Report About Its Role In The Insurrection. You Can Read It Here.
After BuzzFeed News reported on an internal document that examined the social network’s failings leading up to the Capitol riot, many of Facebook's employees were prevented from accessing it.

Facebook Knows It Was Used To Help Incite The Capitol Insurrection
An internal task force found that Facebook failed to take appropriate action against the Stop the Steal movement ahead of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, and hoped the company could “do better next time.”

Why Do A Bunch Of Nigerian Twitter Influencers Want This Alleged Money Launderer To Go Free? They’re Being Paid.
Alex Saab may be extradited to the United States — but he has some unlikely allies.

Facebook Is Building An Instagram For Kids Under The Age Of 13
“We have identified youth work as a priority for Instagram and have added it to our H1 priority list,” reads an internal Instagram post obtained by BuzzFeed News.

Amazon Is Pushing Readers Down A "Rabbit Hole" Of Conspiracy Theories About The Coronavirus
Amazon is promoting COVID conspiracy books around the world.

Facebook Created An Employee “Playbook” To Respond To Accusations Of Polarization
In a Thursday presentation, Facebook executives told employees the company isn’t to blame for social division in the country. One researcher said some polarization can be a good thing, citing the civil rights movement.

NYT Columnist David Brooks Resigns From Nonprofit After More Evidence Of Conflicts Emerges
His resignation comes amid new revelations of entanglements with Nextdoor and the Walton Foundation.

Facebook Helped Fund David Brooks’s Second Job. Nobody Told The Readers Of The New York Times.
The New York Times columnist has been using his perch to promote the Weave Project — without disclosing his potential conflicts of interest to his readers.

New York Times Columnist David Brooks Blogged For Facebook's Corporate Site
Brooks also appeared in a Facebook-produced video panel used to promote an NYU study of Facebook Groups funded by the social media giant.

"Mark Changed The Rules": How Facebook Went Easy On Alex Jones And Other Right-Wing Figures
Facebook’s rules to combat misinformation and hate speech are subject to the whims and political considerations of its CEO and his policy team leader.

A Search For “Dog” On Instagram Surfaces An Emoji For A Chinese Takeout Box
“How are the emoji’s being recommended in this and can we remove this so this doesn’t perpetuate Asian racial stereotypes?”

How “The Women For America First” Bus Tour Led To The Capitol Coup Attempt
The Women for America First cross-country tour spent the weeks before its Jan. 6 event spreading election lies and, on occasion, calling for violence.

Facebook Said It Would Pause US Ads For Gun Accessories And Military Gear After Complaints
But on Sunday, BuzzFeed News continued to find ads for firearm accessories on the social network, more than 22 hours after Facebook announced its temporary suspension.

Following An Insurrection, Lawmakers And State Attorneys General Are Asking Facebook To Halt Ads Of Military Gear
“Whether through negligence or with full knowledge, Facebook is placing profit ahead of our Nation’s democracy.”

Facebook Has Been Showing Military Gear Ads Next To Insurrection Posts
Earlier this week, Facebook employees warned that military product ads were being advertised against news about DC riots. The company did not act.

Using A Pseudonym, This QAnon Believer Raised $40,000 To Send People To The DC Riot
At least one person whom "Thad Williams" helped send to DC bragged about carrying a firearm to the nation's capital.

This Pro-Trump YouTube Network Sprang Up Just After He Lost
A group of channels connected to the Epoch Times is pumping out hoaxes and lies without identifying their connections to the right-wing newspaper.

The FBI Says There's No Evidence Of Antifa Involvement In The Capitol Mob
Some prominent right-wing figures have tried to push the conspiracy that antifa was behind Wednesday’s violent insurrection at the Capitol.

A Facial Recognition Company Says That Viral Washington Times “Antifa” Story Is False
Matt Gaetz had cited the story in Congress as supposed evidence that antifa was involved in the Capitol assault. But the company says it’s “outright false.”