This Viral Video Of A Teacher's Rant Right Before Officially Retiring Has Been Seen Over A Million Times — Here Are The Reasons Why She Can "No Longer Deal" In The Profession
"I can no longer deal with the 'new' type of parent and the 'new' type of child that is a product of the parent that I am trying to teach..."

"My Adult Children Didn't Believe Me": 26 Normal Practices And Routines From The Past That Have Gen Z'ers Confused, Perplexed, And Puzzled
"Seatbelts weren't taken seriously by most people until the '90s."

"Saucy Nuggets" Are Turning Into The Summer's Hottest Fast Food Trend, So I Tried Every Last One Available (And Have Thoughts)
I'm just gonna say it: Wingstop walked so these spicy nuggets could run...

"Sad Girl" Sushi Boards, Green Goddess Pasta Salad, And 12 Other Really Good Low-Cook Meals We Rely On In Hotter-Than-Hell Weather
When it's too hot too cook but you can't order takeout every night, this post is for you.

18 Life-Altering, "Should've Known Better" Errors Adults Made In Their 30s Or Later
"Desperate for a new love life, I talked to him for months online and on the phone. One day, he asked me for $1,000. He asked to get directly into my bank account to transfer the money to where it needed to go. I ended up broke with zero in the bank..."

"I've Almost Lost The Skill Myself": 21 Skills That Were Important To Have "Back In The Day" But Are No Longer Required To Have In This Day And Age
"Being good at business writing, technical writing, and documentation. AI can do it better and faster than any of us can now."

"It Blew Her Mind When I Told Her": Older Adults Are Sharing The "Common Knowledge" Practices From The Past That Have Become Obsolete Over Time
"If we wanted to straighten our hair, we would lay our heads on the ironing board, get our hair wrapped in waxed paper, and have someone iron it!"

Ex-Millionaires Are Revealing How They Lost All Their Money, And I'm Actually Speechless
"And that's how my mother lost a multi-million dollar inheritance and got stuck with a $50k funeral bill..."

Homeowners Are Sharing The Hacks, Tips, And Methods They Use To Maintain A Clean Home, And I'm Taking Some Serious Notes
"I can eat and relax the rest of the night — and the rest of the weekend! It's been a game-changer for me and has really improved my mental health."

"Why Should We Work Ourselves To The Bone?" This 24-Year-Old Explained What Differentiates Gen Z From Other Generations And Why She Feels "Guilty" Among Her Peers
"We Gen Z’ers have been hearing all our lives how the economy is screwed, the environment is screwed, the government is screwed, and how we won’t be able to grow old, let alone retire. No wonder so many of us are miserable!"

"It Saved So Much Stress And Pain": 23 Homeowners Are Sharing The "1,000% Worth It" Home Purchases And Renovations They Have Zero Regrets Making
"It was a slight financial stretch; however, three months later, we asked ourselves why we hadn't done this earlier! Best decision of our lives."

15 Parents Who Did A Complete 180 And Became Way, Way Better People For The Kids Who Needed Them Much Earlier
"I'm sure there are still hard feelings, but they've learned to put it aside for the family. If the relationship isn't working and you have kids, do NOT stay together just for them!"

Homeowners And Renters: Share With Us The Time-Saving Hacks, Tips, Or Methods You Use To Maintain A Clean Home
My whole world changed after I discovered the magic that is The Pink Stuff...

“Going To The Movies Used To Be Simple And Spontaneous”: Older Adults Share Little But Meaningful Things That Modern Technology Has Made Obsolete, And It’s Pretty Poignant
"Nowadays, everything moves so fast, people have short attention spans, and it's all about how productive you can be and how much money you can make. It's a fast-paced world now, and sometimes it sucks."

Homeowners, Share The Pricier Home Purchase You Made That Was 1,000% Worth The Money
If it's going to make my life easier or happier, the cost probably won't deter me...

21 Normal Practices In 2024 That Were The Epitome Of "Rude" Back When, Whether Or Not You Even Stopped To Think About It
"In recent years, I've heard people ask complete strangers if they'd had surgery done, and I just cannot accept that as a normal social interaction."

17 Life-Altering Habits Adults Over 35 Added To Their Daily Routines (And Wish They'd Done So Much Sooner)
"Now, I have no patience or energy to put in all that work to attract the male gaze. I'm single and love it. Turns out, the thing I wanted the most was what destroyed me."

Tell Me About The Story Of What Caused Your Parents To Become Significantly Better People
Suddenly, we're one big happy family...

"She Was 26 And Had No Idea What I Meant": 21 Older Adults Are Sharing The Unique Everday Experiences From The Past That Have Ceased To Exist Over Time
"We'd play outside in the neighborhood until the street lights came on: hopscotch, jump rope, rollerskating, and biking up and down the sidewalks. On hot summer nights, our parents sat on the porch and watched us. It was simpler back then."

17 Tips And Habits Women Were Influenced By Other Women To Incorporate Into Their Daily Lives
"It doesn't matter whether it's at work, the store, or a night out with my friends. We need to build each other up, and a compliment is a small thing that can make a big impact on someone."