People Are Dying Over Travis Kelce's "Alice In Wonderland" Revelation
Only took him 30-something years.

30 Things That Were Very, Very Much Gay Awakenings For Millennials In The Late '90s And Early '00s
Thank you, Chris O'Donnell, for your important work in Batman & Robin.

Kendall Jenner's Barefoot Louvre Pics Are Going Viral: "A Different Kind Of Rich"
She had a literal night at the museum.

People Have A Lot Of Conflicting Feelings About Team USA's Closing Ceremony Look
Ricky Bobby would definitely approve of this one.

I'm Seriously Laughing At How The Internet Is Reacting To Team USA Bringing Their Own Air Conditioners To The Olympics
Yeah, AC is essential.

This Drama Between The Empire State Building And Chicago's Bean Is Genuinely Hilarious
Not this drama.

40 Of The Absolute Funniest Tweets I've Seen In The Past Two Weeks
The posts that make Elon Musk's Twitter worth it.

A Child Fainting While The Lousiana Governor Signs The Ten Commandments School Bill Into Law Is Going Viral
Well, that's certainly a sign.

A Video Of Taylor Swift Extinguishing A Fire In Her Kitchen Is Going Viral
Grammy award winner, Cats actress, record-breaking recording artist, and local firefighter. She can do it all.

The "When The Hangout Has" Meme Is The Most Wholesome And Harmless Meme In A Looooong Time
Love a coffee walk and talk.

The US Government's Recommended House Temperatures Has Everyone In Disbelief
Unfortunately, that's not happening. I'm not European!

This Bikini Barista's Hammer-Smashing Reaction To A Violent Customer Is Going Viral
Get her, Jade.

The Internet Can't Stop Talking About The New Post Office Trucks' Design
I...kind of love it.

The Internet Is Fully Obsessed With "Boomer Complaints," And Here Are 38 Of The Absolute Best Ones
Everything really doesn't need to be in 4K.

33 Unhinged Baby Boy Names People On The Internet Think Are Beautiful
I actually love the name Ravioli.

44 Things That Happened Almost Exactly 5 Years Ago That Will Make You Question Reality
2019 was a different world.

There's A Giant Blob On The Empire State Building That's Confusing The Heck Out Of Everyone
No big deal, it's just a 270-foot dragon.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Receipt Is Going Viral
Now, I want to see it itemized.

20 Celebrities Who Are Just As Old As Donald Trump That Puts His Age Into Perspective
"This is 78" - All of these people.

29 Of The Strangest Smells People Admit They Secretly Love, And Some Of Them Are Real Freaky
There's nothing like the smell of a Home Depot, especially the garden section.