
Opinion: Dangers Lurk Aboard Cruise Ships. The Cruise Passenger Protection Act Can Help.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who authored a cruise safety bill, argues that cruise passengers deserve better protection and support.

Boosters Aren’t The Answer To Omicron (or Pi)
Why one global health expert is urging more focus on vaccine sharing.

New York City's New Overdose Prevention Centers Have Already Saved Lives. The Biden Administration Should Get On Board.
We are New York district attorneys and health officials. Here’s why New York City is opening sites for people to safely use drugs.

Opinion: #FreeBritney Is Only The Beginning. It’s Time To Fix Our Nation’s Guardianship System.
The author of a new reform bill argues that American families deserve better accountability, better resources, and better information.

Opinion: I’m A Public Defender. My Clients Keep Getting COVID-19 While Incarcerated.
We have the tools to protect vulnerable incarcerated people from COVID-19. We should be using them.

Opinion: We Still Don’t Have An HIV Vaccine. That’s Why You Should Get One For COVID-19.
As a gay man who lived through the AIDS epidemic, I know how precious it is to have a vaccine that can save countless lives.

Amy Coney Barrett And The Cult Of Conservative White Womanhood
White Christian mothers have historically succeeded in carrying out the work of white supremacist patriarchy by dressing it in a prettier, more feminine package.

Opinion: Miles Taylor's Actions At DHS Are Not Excused By His Support For Biden
He and others who played key roles in the Trump administration should not be absolved of their past actions simply by supporting Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency.

Working At The Amazon Warehouse Was Always Painful. Now It's Terrifying.
In the best of times, the work I did at the Amazon warehouse left me aching and numb. Now, going to work is just terrifying.

In The Shadow Of COVID-19: What I Learned From A Patient Who Defied The Odds
He straddled the fine line between life and death, and taught me to maintain hope even in the darkest moments of this crisis.

Opinion: We'll Need A Lot Of People To Make Contact Tracing Work. I Know Where To Find Them.
Taxpayers paid to train and prepare thousands of Americans to do community work overseas. They all got fired last month.

Opinion: Coronavirus Makes Inequality Even Deadlier. New York City Won't Accept It.
New York City's mayor and first lady outline their plan to fight the coronavirus in the communities of color that are being hit the hardest.

Opinion: When People Can't Work, You See What The Economy Really Is
The economy isn't driven by stock prices or corporate profits — it only works because of workers. If they're doing well, the economy is doing well.

Opinion: Want To Get Money To People In Need Right Now? Use Food Stamps.
If Washington wants to get immediate relief to the tens of millions of people hit by the crisis, it should boost the federal program that's already doing it.

Opinion | The Coronavirus And HIV: Different Pandemics With The Same Lessons
San Francisco's world-leading public health department is a byproduct of our multidecade fight against AIDS. The lessons we learned then are just as vital today.

Opinion: Find The Ventilators. Today.
"We’re not a shipping clerk,” Trump said last week. But in times of national crisis, that's exactly what the federal government needs to be.

Opinion: You Can Learn Something From The People Of Wuhan
Media has focused on the top-down, authoritarian response in Wuhan. But the way ordinary citizens handled the crisis should be replicated across the world.

Opinion: In 2008 We Bailed Out Companies, But Not People. Are We About To Do It Again?
Why debate the coronavirus bill currently before Congress? When Congress rushed through a massive stimulus plan in 2008, it ended up bailing out big businesses but not regular people.

Opinion: False Claims, Families In Danger: This Isn't A First For The Trump Administration
Trump and his team made false claims to cover up their disastrous management of a crisis. And we're not talking about the coronavirus pandemic.

Opinion: Moving Our Pharmaceutical Factories Overseas Was A Huge Mistake
The coronavirus outbreak is a good time to ask why our leaders sat by as so much of the US pharmaceutical industry was shipped abroad.

The Coronavirus Response Shows How Crucial Accessibility Is
Seeing companies make drastic changes to accommodate working remotely during the coronavirus outbreak is great — but it’s also frustrating for those of us who could have used those accommodations much sooner.

Your Gas Prices Are Likely Going Down Soon — That's Not Good
Why an old rule of thumb about the American economy no longer applies.

Opinion: Resist The Authoritarian Response To The Coronavirus
Governments with authoritarian tendencies will always overstep in times of mass fear. Don't let them.

Opinion: Michael Bloomberg Is A Hollow Shell
There's a stunning lack of vision and ambition on display from someone who should be most familiar with the importance of both.

Opinion: Bernie Sanders Is A Straight White Man. Does That Matter?
Voters don’t have to identify with Bernie Sanders to believe he’ll do the best job representing people like them — and people completely unlike them, too.

Opinion: Here's What To Do If You Hate The Democratic Nominee
There are ways to beat Trump this November that don't require pretending to like the person running against him.

Opinion: Why Pundits Can't Comprehend Bernie Sanders
It's the last gasp of a political elite that’s been radically out of touch with the lives of normal people for most of the 21st century.

Here’s What Teens From Across The Country Thought Of The South Carolina Mess
"It is frankly absurd that the issues that will be the biggest threats to our way of life in the 21st century weren’t debated."

Opinion: Let The Women Of Louisiana Make Our Own Decisions About Abortion
I know from personal experience that it’s already very hard to get an abortion in Louisiana. The Supreme Court could make things even worse.

Opinion: How Cruelty At The Mexican Border Became An American Export
The southward expansion of US border enforcement has been happening for years. Now we're exporting Trump-era cruelty too.